忠言: 好好经营你的30-47岁 ~ 杨澜

今早,在脸书看到一则生活稿。 这份稿的作者是杨澜, 诉说着我们要怎样好好经营我们的30-47岁的岁月。

读了之后,觉得对于暂时迷失的人,它能是个很好的提醒 – 提醒着我们不要在继续迷失或堕落,赶紧找回方向,继续前进。

个人感言:读了虽然没有大彻大悟,但还是有一言惊醒梦中人的感觉。 希望能把这份感觉维持得久一点。在这里, 想把它与大家分享。

[生活] 杨澜:好好经营你的30-47



2 、储蓄友谊


3 、播种善良


4 、懂得音乐


5 、避开两种苦


6 、学会承受


7 、保留感恩的心


8 、热爱工作


9 、善于学习


10 、享受运动




Living life, better.

In the blink of an eye, we’ve now come to yet another new year. Welcome to 2013, ladies and gentlemen, the year I’m going to turn 30.

Do I feel like I’m 30? No, not really.

But how exactly is being 30 suppose to feel like? I imagine it’s feeling all grown up, always knowing what to do in all situations, always feeling tired since folks at 30 supposedly don’t have stamina like younger people, especially when it comes to nights out.


Nah, not really.

But now, I find myself wanting to do all sorts of ridiculous things that I had never done, not even when I was a teenager.

I was always the sensible teenager – the one with a good head on her shoulders, they said. In my younger days, I’ve skipped over several phases of life such as idol-chasing, skipping school…can’t think of anymore now.

However, I now find myself indulging in a youth fallacy.

Not too long ago, someone introduced me to a Korean variety show, Running Man (RM). Initially, the overall concept of the show sounded really lame (adults tearing off each others’ name tags). But, after I’ve watched a couple of episodes, I was hooked.

The overall concept described above was still correct, however, what made the show thoroughly entertaining was the RM cast. Their live commentary, their banter on show proved more than sufficient to overcome the language barrier, enticing me to become a fan.

It was through this variety show that I came to know Kim Jong Kook. Great singer, good entertainer and, based on the RM show, he seems to be someone with wits and good values. Doesn’t hurt that he looks cute and (ahem) strong too.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been so taken with someone and his works.

This interest has also motivated me to want to pick up a new language skill (Hangul) to better understand the overall K-culture, conversations and also, to better appreciate his works. In my recent trip to Korea, I’ve also purposefully went out in search of his albums.

The above, to you, may not seem like anything wild.

But to me, it’s the most I’ve done that’s closest to idol-chasing.

Some say it’s an attempt to cling on to younger years. Others say it’s a reaction to some recent major changes in my life.

I say that it’s just me throwing off some of the stringent controls I’ve placed on myself for so many years to indulge and live a little….within reasonable limits.

This year, I’m not sure if I want to set resolutions. Maybe just one.

I want to live my life, better.


Proud of Your Decisions?

We make decisions everyday.

Sometimes, we find ourselves at a cross-road in this process, especially when the decision is a particularly hard one – do we do what we think is right (according to our personal values/logic)? But what if that option’s fraught with challenges and hence, so much more difficult to execute? Or do we do what’s the easiest or most efficient (which may not be necessarily wrong – depending on perspective)? Or do we do what will benefit us the most?

Very often, there’s no clear-cut, ten-year-series answers to such difficult questions and it’s really more of a judgment call. How then do you make the decision?

I came across this two-part YouTube video about a boy, Ben Breedlove, who died on Christmas Day after fighting a serious heart condition for most of his life. Shortly before his death, he posted a two-part video on YouTube, in which he silently describes his life and several near-death experiences through cue cards.

After watching the video, one thing stayed with me. When he was near the verge of death, he thought about the way he led his life and he was proud of how he did it.

Sometimes, some of us tend to over-analyse our problems, but ultimately, perhaps the litmus test should be… would this be a decision that we would be proud of when we look back five, ten or even twenty years down the road.

I thought this video was worth sharing and I hope you’ll gain some perspective from it as well.

Minimise regrets, before it’s too late.

Came across this article on the top five regrets that people have on their deathbeds, based on a palliative care nurse’s personal experience.

Nurse reveals the top 5 regrets people make on their deathbed | Arise India Forum

For many years I worked in palliative care. My patients were those who had gone home to die. Some incredibly special times were shared. I was with them for the last three to twelve weeks of their lives. People grow a lot when they are faced with their own mortality.
I learnt never to underestimate someone’s capacity for growth. Some changes were phenomenal. Each experienced a variety of emotions, as expected, denial, fear, anger, remorse, more denial and eventually acceptance. Every single patient found their peace before they departed though, every one of them.

When questioned about any regrets they had or anything they would do differently, common themes surfaced again and again. Here are the most common five:

1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
This was the most common regret of all. When people realize that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. Most people had not honoured even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made.

It is very important to try and honour at least some of your dreams along the way. From the moment that you lose your health, it is too late. Health brings a freedom very few realise, until they no longer have it.

2. I wish I didn’t work so hard.
This came from every male patient that I nursed. They missed their children’s youth and their partner’s companionship. Women also spoke of this regret. But as most were from an older generation, many of the female patients had not been breadwinners. All of the men I nursed deeply regretted spending so much of their lives on the treadmill of a work existence.

By simplifying your lifestyle and making conscious choices along the way, it is possible to not need the income that you think you do. And by creating more space in your life, you become happier and more open to new opportunities, ones more suited to your new lifestyle.

3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
Many people suppressed their feelings in order to keep peace with others. As a result, they settled for a mediocre existence and never became who they were truly capable of becoming. Many developed illnesses relating to the bitterness and resentment they carried as a result.

We cannot control the reactions of others. However, although people may initially react when you change the way you are by speaking honestly, in the end it raises the relationship to a whole new and healthier level. Either that or it releases the unhealthy relationship from your life.

Either way, you win.

4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
Often they would not truly realise the full benefits of old friends until their dying weeks and it was not always possible to track them down. Many had become so caught up in their own lives that they had let golden friendships slip by over the years. There were many deep regrets about not giving friendships the time and effort that they deserved. Everyone misses their friends when they are dying.

It is common for anyone in a busy lifestyle to let friendships slip. But when you are faced with your approaching death, the physical details of life fall away. People do want to get their financial affairs in order if possible. But it is not money or status that holds the true importance for them. They want to get things in order more for the benefit of those they love. Usually though, they are too ill and weary to ever manage this task. It is all comes down to love and relationships in the end.
That is all that remains in the final weeks, love and relationships.

5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.
This is a surprisingly common one. Many did not realise until the end that happiness is a choice. They had stayed stuck in old patterns and habits. The so-called ‘comfort’ of familiarity overflowed into their emotions, as well as their physical lives. Fear of change had them pretending to others, and to their selves, that they were content. When deep within, they longed to laugh properly and have silliness in their life again. When you are on your deathbed, what  others think of you is a long way from your mind. How wonderful to be able to let go and smile again, long before you are dying.

Life is a choice. It is YOUR life. Choose consciously, choose wisely, choose honestly. Choose happiness.

Source: Arise India Forum

Reading the article, it seems like I can already identify with a few. As a reminder to myself to try to live life to the fullest on my terms instead of getting all caught up in the humdrum and rat-race, I’m posting this here and sharing it with you.

It isn’t easy to have no regrets, but we can try to minimise them as much as possible.

This used to be my playground

This used to be my playground…..


Now, it’s being demolished, taking away the possibility of creating anymore future memories here.

A few nights back, I was on the way home from work where I stopped and stared in horror at the sight before my eyes. Amber construction-site tape and hazard barriers surrounded the playground below my block…and half of the playground structure has already been demolished by the evil-looking excavator.

Shocked. Horrified. Sad.

That playground held many memories for me.

Not so much for my childhood as compared to my teenage years.

I’ve sat there at night with friends, catching up, talking through problems or just chatting about anything under the stars.

I’ve sat there with dates to steal that last conversation before saying goodbye for the night.

I’ve sat there by myself, thinking through issues or just to get away from things to have a little time alone.

I’ve sat there trying to catch my breath and not cramp up in agony after evening runs.

The playground has seen me through happy times, heart-throbbing times, the sad or even emo/depressing times when I were alot younger and thought that the world was coming to an end because of some adolescent problem that I had.

And now, with nary a warning, the place has been torn down. Just like that.

It’s really quite upsetting.

Right now, there’s a song that keeps running through my head. It has always been a old favourite of mine, especially with the sentimental, haunting way that she sang it. And the things that the lyrics taught me.

But now, it more than strikes a cord with how I feel…

The Before-30 List


For some reason, we seem awfully fond of making lists. Resolution lists, shopping lists, grocery lists, t0-do lists, and even bucket lists. Just a month ago, I celebrated my 28th birthday, i.e. I’m now officially less than two years away from the big 3-0!

A little intimidating I have to say.

30 just seems so grown-up, you know? Yes, I know that I’ve long entered adulthood legally, but hitting this milestone age is kinda different. Since it’s way too early to start feeling all depressed about this (it is, after all, more than a year away, and that’s a goddamn long time to be mopey), I’ve decided to make a Before-30 list.

Similar to the concept of the bucket list (just slightly less morbid), this Before-30 list will contain things that I want to do/achieve/try before I hit that publicly-dreaded age (although sometimes I really wonder what’s the fuss about. Maybe it just hasn’t hit me…yet).

The Before-30 list

  1. Run a 10km run (Just.have.to.do.it.once.)
  2. Travel to Europe, and take in the sights, smells and feel of cities like London, Paris and Rome
  3. Sign up for a dance class
  4. Learn how to Rollerblade AGAIN (Actually, I’m still in two minds about this particular one.)
  5. (to be continued)

That’s all for now, but I’ll probably make revisions to this list whenever mood strikes me.

For those of you who are approaching the big 3-0 too, do you have a similar list as well? If so, I’ll really like to hear from you.

P/S: While searching for some suitable imagery to go along with this post, I’ve discovered that there’s a sort of 30-before-30 movement online. Essentially, people are making a list of thirty things that they’ll like to do before reaching thirty. Maybe I should look at expanding my list to do that too.

Alrighty, maybe that will be done as we go along. 🙂

Spontaneous writing.

Spontaneous writing

Have been putting off writing this post for the longest time, because I was too busy trying to think about how I should format my 2011 resolutions as opposed to actually penning them down.

The same could be said for many of my other posts (that I’ve constructed in my head, but never materialized) because of the ‘logistical’ challenges such picture editing etc. Too often I’ve created a picture of how it should be like in my head, so much so that if I’m not able to replicate that here, I rather not do it at all. That is one of the many reasons for the prevalent silence in this space.

Looking back in 2010, I’ve created a measly eight posts here.


And that’s really depressing because it makes me feel like my life in 2010 has just slipped by into…emptiness. Although I know that’s not the case, because if I really took the time to reflect, I’ll recollect events which have brought much joy, laughter, fun and love. I’m just annoyed that I didn’t write them down somewhere – What if these memories start to fade away? What if I forgot the feelings associated with those times?

So this year, I shall strive to be more spontaneous in my writing.

Write when I feel like it, and no, the post doesn’t have to be picture perfect with that picture in a precise 0.2cm white and black border with a watermark that’s placed suitably 0.5cm away from the borders.

Here goes the first of 2011 resolutions.

World’s looking back on 2010

After every Christmas, we look forward to ushering in the brand new year that’s filled with endless possibilities.

I’ve always personally felt that, in order to move forward, we must first examine the past. No, not to engage in self-reproach or wallow in previous spills, but to review the events and see what we have done well, what we could have done better, and apply these realizations to the new year.

Time provides one of the best distances, allowing us to better look at past events in a more objective manner, allowing us to be more truthful to ourselves.

Before I turn the examining lens to my 2010, let’s see this from a wider perspective – globally. Here’s an interesting video from Google, which nicely sums up the world’s year in under three minutes.

Reminding ourselves of the major happenings that occurred this year. Victories celebrated, challenges conquered, lessons learnt and passings mourned.

And then, we move forward.

Resolutions 2010

Photo Creds: Francesco Marino / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

It’s here. Twenty-ten.

Unlike some, I remain a believer of setting new year resolutions as they make me think through some of the short-term goals that I want to work towards in the brand new year.

So, for 2010, here are my resolutions:

  1. Do something new at least once every month – I’m a creature of habit, so much so that my colleagues/lunch kakis can even place orders for me at one of our favorite restaurants. In 2010, I think it would be good to make a conscientious effort to try something new on a regular basis – this can include trying out a new dish, a new recipe, exploring a new place or activity, meeting new friends…anything! As long as it’s new!
  2. Start learning about my personal finances – Current, I know shite about my personal finances. Zilch, nada, zero! This can’t do as all respectable adults (*ahem* me) should at least be a little aware and understand some basic personal financial knowledge right? Well, I hope it’s not too late to start learning the basics now. Tips, anyone?
  3. Read more and regularly – As a kid, I used to be an extremely avid reader. Two novels in a day? No problem. Granted that being a full-time, working adult in this crazy industry doesn’t leave me much free/personal time, especially during weekdays, I think I should make a bigger effort to find time to read more. Yes, I do miss reading.
  4. Write more – When I was crafting my previous post, I had a hard time trying to remember what transpired in the past year. Having regular blog entries used to help jog my memory, but since I’ve not written much last year, I had more difficulties pulling all the highlights together. And more importantly, writing has always provided me with much joy and encourages me to reflect about what’s happening.
  5. Start paying attention to some of those health issues, please! – For myself, and my parents.
  6. (continued from No. 5) Run a 10K marathon in 2010 – I know 10K is really no big feat for many of you, but this is the first time I’m planning to do this, so it would be milestone, albeit a small one. Am hoping to have enough discipline and determination to see this through!
  7. Career advancement – Enough said.
  8. Nurture relationships with loved ones – Family, partner and friends. I need to constantly remind myself that life’s more than work, and it’s important to make time and effort to be with people that I treasure in my life.
  9. Travel to new destinations, explore new sights
  10. Self-discovery, more – In your teens/early20s, other people defined what you want to be. In the latter half of 20s/or early 30s (for some), you start to discover who YOU are, or want to be.

10 resolutions for 2010.

Let’s aim to live a fuller life for yourself, and your loved ones.

farewell 2009

Photo Creds: Howden / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

A grand total of 9 posts – that’s the final count of blog entries I did in 2009.

So, the verdict is out. I’m guilty of having neglected this space for the past one year.

As 2009 comes to a close, I feel that it’s paramount to recap what I’ve done in 2009, review how these have measured up against my resolutions for the year, and of course, set new goals and objectives for 2010 moving forward.

Refreshing my memory, here are the 2009 resolutions in short (details from here) and the corresponding updates:

  1. Cut down on harmful habits (i.e. smoking)Quit smoking, and haven’t gone back to it since November 2007! Check
  2. Explore activities that I’ve always wanted to tryPreviously, I mentioned that I have embarked on a new hobby and that was baking. I’m happy to say that I’ve tried my hand at making different pastries and desserts, and most have turned out pretty well. And no, I didn’t burn down the kitchen, not even close. Yay! Check
  3. Nurture my relationship with my loved one to the next stageIt’s been pretty good this year, so… Check
  4. Make further progress on my career I’m not too happy with whatever “progress” I’ve made by my standards, so I’m going to consider this NOT done.
  5. Adopt a more Zen mindset to handle whatever challenges life throws in my path, be it personal or work-related mattersSubjective, but I think I’m doing better at this, so Check

Alright, 4/5! That’s not too bad.

Other highlights in 2009 include…

  1. First visit to Cambodia, Siem Reap – This was a country that didn’t used to feature high in my “must-visit” list, but I am now in awe of the majestic Angkor Wat. An added bonus point: Beer’s cheaper than water there too! Really!
  2. First visit to Australia, Sydney – This was a solo work-trip, and also my virgin experience to the land down under. I wouldn’t call it enjoyable, but it was a self-discovery journey of sorts. I’m thankful for the experience, and also, to get to know my Ozzie colleagues better.
  3. Pink Dot 2009 – Participated in a social-cause event promoting freedom to love without discrimination. A worthwhile cause! I hope the event happens again, people here need to be constantly reminded to judge less and respect more.
  4. Geek-ing away – With prolong exposure substances termed “technology”, “social media platforms” and “gadgets”, I find myself increasingly attracted to these addictive elements. A most unexpected turn of events.
  5. Exploring new interests and activities – Baking (pies, muffins, cakes, cookies, scones…you name it), tennis (a failed first attempt – I think lessons are in order)
  6. Bad fall in office – One of the low-lights of 2009. Had a minor accident in office and sprained my neck and shoulder. Right before my holiday trip to Hong Kong too! Suey-ness.
  7. Rise of “flash-mobs” in Singapore – MJ’s death shocked the world, and to commemorate his work and music, several flash mobs (adapted from the global wave) were spotted in Singapore. These are amongst the firsts to gain quite some publicity here, I believe.
  8. Second visit to Hong Kong – My first visit was my grad trip, where I visit the bustling city with hall friends, in 2005. This time, I revisited this charming country with my partner – exploring new sights and revisiting familiar places that felt totally different.
  9. Ris Low with “BOOMZ” and “Shingz My Life” – Need I say more? She hogged the headlines of our mainstream papers and tabloids for quite some days. A low-light, I think…?

That ought to cover most of my 2009.

Enough of looking back, we’re less than 6 hours away in welcoming 2010, and I’m going to take this time to think about what I want to achieve in 2010.

Goodbye 2009 – it’s hasn’t been an easy ride, but we’ve survived it together, thank you. Here’s to an awesome 2010!