Some Christmases never change, some do.

It’s been quiet in here. Too much thoughts, too little time to pen them.

When I write, I demand a certain standard from myself. Each entry, especially those focusing on current issues, has to be researched to ensure that the basic facts presented are accurate and error-free.

Every post has to convey my precise thoughts. If a sentence sounds or even feels slightly wrong, I persist in mulling over it – over and over again, revising it to death until it hits the right notes.

Because of this stubbornness (or some say persistence), every entry demands a substantial amount of time and effort to be invested. Time seems like a luxury these days, especially when work, family and socials are all in hot pursuit of it. It has been easy just to let this spot, simply be.

Sometimes I forget – the pleasure of writing for myself, the satisfaction it provides, but tonight, I’m discovering it all over again. Some things never change.

But some do and need to – like bringing life and colour back to this little virtual space.

In two minutes, it’s going to be Christmas, so…

Christmas 2010

Merry Christmas everyone. May this special season be filled with magic, love, joy and happiness for you. ♥