Painfully Famous

We’ve seen a slew of celebrity-linked scandals recently, from Canto pop stars, famous international golfers, and well-known local acts. And it’s almost impossible to not hear about them, given that each such scandal hogged the media’s headlines for, at least, several days. I suspect they have also fueled many conversations in pantries, over water coolers, and at dinner tables.

Amidst all the negative publicity, public outcry and some PR-driven explanations and apologies, it seems like there are rather divided views on whether these incidents should merit this much attention, and if uninvolved third parties, like the general public, should be passing their individual judgments openly on these issues.

“Leave them alone”

Some are of the view that people should just leave these scandal-tainted celebrities alone. They’re just humans who are prone to mistakes, and who are we to judge them? They shouldn’t need to ‘answer’ to the public about their private matters, and should have the freedom to overcome this issue privately, on their own terms, at their own time, exercising their personal discretion.

“You have done us wrong”

Others feel that as celebrities, they are responsible for their actions, even towards the public, including their fans, supporters and viewers.

From the support their fans have shown them, they’ve enjoyed many privileges and benefits by riding on their fame. In turn, they have to live up to their projected image towards these groups of audience. Should they falter, it’s a mistake that they must apologize for, explain and rectify.

Personally, I’m leaning towards the latter view, especially for celebrities who have been constantly pushing/selling more ‘family-oriented’ and ‘responsible’ types of images.

I recognize that they’re no saints and hence, are susceptible to erroneous judgments, but while they have enjoyed the sweet endorsement deals that came along when brands wanted to associate themselves with their projected image, they should have also expected that they’ll need to pay more dearly when they fall from grace, no?

Fame is a double-edged sword.